
The ahealthgroup.com project and all the materials published here are created for informational purposes only. These materials (articles, pictures, etc.) should by no means be regarded as a professional medical advice of a therapist, pharmacist, physician, surgeon, ect. or a substitution for a qualified medical assistance.

The information provided on this site cannot and should not be used as a basis for diagnosis or the choice of treatment, and if it should be necessary, you ought to apply to the hospital.

Any information regarding medicines and overall health offered by this website is NOT a guideline to follow; also it does NOT claim to be an absolute truth, thus, it should be discussed on a mandatory basis with a subject matter expert.

And none of the information offered by ahealthgroup.com should be interpreted as an attempt in any way to carry out medical practice.

In case you suspect any condition that may require medical assistance or emergency help, please call your doctor or 911 as soon as possible.