Blood tests
Blood tests are one of the foremost laboratory methods for gastrointestinal diseases diagnosis. They help evaluate the general condition (resistance) of the body, and characterize the functional state of certain organs and the level of structural lesions.
Blood tests can be divided into:
Complete blood count (obtained by fingerstick)
The analysis of a blood sample implies determination of the cellular blood composition and the amount of hemoglobin – a protein contained in red blood cells (erythrocytes) which carry oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues and participate in the transportation of carbon dioxide from tissues to the lungs. If a doctor suspects any problems with the blood clotting mechanism, or anaemia, the platelet count as well as the study of other pertinent indicators of the coagulation system (such as bleeding duration, etc.) are performed.
Blood sampling should be performed in the morning and in the fasted state. There are no particular requirements to follow while preparing for the planned clinical blood test. In order to avoid any blood test errors no alcohol should be consumed the day before the test, and it’s better to avoid high-calorie and fatty food the night before the test.
Biochemical blood test
The levels of sugar, bilirubin, cholesterol, proteins, erythrocytes, microelements, vitamins (vitamin K and others), fibrinogen, and prothrombin are determined in terms of this analysis. The test requires no breakfast before the blood sampling. For every biochemical test, blood should be drawn on an empty stomach to avoid the influence of the food on its chemical composition. The day before the test overeating is not recommended, or the consumption of sweet, salty or fatty food, meat or fish products, as well as alcohol.